Sketching in the moshpit.

Last year I did something that has completely changed the way I attend festivals. I carried a small pocket sized sketchbook and an ink pen to fill the time between bands at Rocklahoma. Though I did draw a lot while in my lawn chair, the most challenging and by far most rewarding sketch happened when I drew during a band’s set, while standing in the middle of the general admission pit. Surprisingly, several crowd members stayed around me to keep me from being tackled or squashed by crowd surfers. Though the sketch ultimately looked more like a kindergarten scribble, the energy captured in the moment on paper was creatively transformative.

This year I opted to bring a small pouch of varying pen types as well as a full sized sketchbook to continue this creative outlet. The most surprising moment came when I was quickly drawing the logo for the band Disturbed during their third song and the person next to me asked if I was used the same sketchbook as the year prior. Big festival, small world.

You can check out my gallery of sketches completed throughout the weekend festival below.


An Abstract with Poignant Promise


Synesthesia and Art: Why my Abstract Paintings are music to my eyes.